What would you like? 阅读课教学设计

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下面是小编为大家整理的What would you like? 阅读课教学设计,供大家参考。

What would you like? 阅读课教学设计

Unit 5 What would you like?

Read and write

Teaching Aims:

Knowledge Aims:

1. Be able to read and understand the two notes

2. Be able to finish the exercises shown on the book.

3. Be able to write some sentences about what you want to eat.

4. Be able to write a similar note.

Emotion Aims:

Eat more vegetables and less meat and do sports everyday.

Teaching Difficult and Important points:

1. Be able to read and understand the notes.

2. Be able to write a note after the class.

Teaching Aids:

Blackboard, cards, PPT, video

Teaching Procedure:

Part One: Lead-in

1.Daily talking

Talk about what you would like to eat.

2.Enjoy the song: what would you like to eat?:

Play the tape and ask the students to listen to it and then ask some questions about the song like what food and drinks you can see and what would you like to eat..

Part Two:Pre-reading

1. Ask the students to visit a restaurant and ask the question: What’s your favourite food and why?

2. Introduce Robin to the students and tell them that Robin will cook today to lead in the following notes.

3. Show the structure of the note.

Part Three:While-reading


Ask the students to read the passage quickly and find out the answers to the questions shown on the screen. Then check out the answers.

2.Carefully reading

Lead the students to read the diary again and raise the two questions:

(1)What’s Yifan’s favourite food?

(2)What’s Grandpa’s favourite food?

3. Read after the recorder.

4. Learn the sentence structure: I like..., but not... /I don’t like ...,but ...is OK.

5. Practise the sentence structure.

Part Four:Post-reading

1. Read the two notes some times.

2. Try to write a note to Robin.

Part Four: Extension

Show another note to Robin with bad habits and ask the students to answer some questions show on the screen to help the students to understand the following sentence: Eat more vegetables and less meat and do sports everyday.

Part Five: Homework

1.Read the notes after class.

2.Write a note to your parents and tell them your favourite food/fruits /drinks.

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