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  Dear Sir/madam,

  I am honored to introduce myself to you.I hope I can give you a deep impression and finally have the opportunity to enter ___ college.

  Now let me introduce myself briefly.My name is __ _, my English name is ___ _.I am __ years old this year, born in __ _, and I am now a senior in ___ no.1 middle school.For the past three years, I have spent most of my time studying high school.But in 20__ years, I had a chance to go to __ _, as an exchange student.I spent 1 year in _ _, and in that year I experienced a lot of things. This special memory will always be stored in my mind, and I"m sure it will help me to find work in the future.

  Now I am a senior student.In the past four years, I have learned a lot of knowledge and knowledge.I am a very responsible person and like to help others.There are two sides to everything, everyone has weaknesses, including myself, but I will try to change myself and make myself a better person.I am optimistic and confident.Sometimes I prefer to be alone, read books, listen to music, but I am not alone, I like to chat with my classmates and friends.Besides, basketball is my favorite.I like all kinds of things about basketball.Through high school, I learned how to balance learning and entertainment.

  Although I was a senior in high school, I was already thinking about what to do in the future.I am very interested in starting my own business, because in the current rapid development of society, the business for me is a very meaningful things, I can keep up with the pace of the society, learn more financial knowledge.

  I want to study in _ _ school, because I believe that the school can offer me a chance to learn business knowledge, especially when I had the opportunity to study in _ _ in the famous university.

  Martin Luther King once said, "I have a dream."This is the best way to illustrate my situation.If I have the opportunity to attend the university of China and England, I will study harder and try my best to achieve my achievements.

  Your sincerity

  _ _ _ _ _










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