2023年度课题:《 Festivals around the world》Reading英语教学设计

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下面是小编为大家整理的2022年度课题:《 Festivals around the world》Reading英语教学设计,供大家参考。

2022年度课题:《 Festivals around the world》Reading英语教学设计


课题:《 Festivals around the world》Reading







Unit1 Festivals around the worldThe First Period


1. Knowledge aims:

(1)To help students to understand the words and some useful expressions

(2)To get the students to have a better understanding of the text.

2. Ability aims:

(1) To train the students’ reading ability by fast reading and careful reading, and get them to learn more reading skills.

(2) Make students talk about festivals and celebrations in English.

3. Emotional aims:

To get the students know about the significance of some foreign festivals and learn to respect the culture and customs in foreign countries.


The are all interested in learning English


1. Question-and–answer method (to some degree, it can arouse Ss’ interest and develop their listening and speaking. )

2. Cooperate method (can cultivate the Ss’s communicate skills and influence efficiency of the class.)

Discussion method (can help develop their thinking and communicative ability.)


Teaching key points

(1). To train the students’ reading ability.

(2). To help the students talk about the festivals all over the world in English.

Teaching difficult points

(1). To develop the students’ reading ability

(2). To help the students grasp the main idea of each paragraph and the whole passage





Teaching proceduresTeaching contents and teacher's activitiesStudents activitiesDesign intentStep 1 Greetings Greet the whole class as usual.Step 2. Lead-in and preparation for reading Show them some pictures of many kinds of festivals and let them talk with each other, and then use the pictures about festivals to learn new words, for example, Halloween, Valentine’s Day and so on. Q1, What kinds of festivals in China do you know about? Q2,What festivals of foreign countries do you know?Q3, What kinds of festivals do you celebrate? Step 3.Skimming Read the passage as quickly as they can. Fill in the blanks, and answer the questions.Step 4 Careful readingReading for detailed information.Read the first three paragraphs carefully and answer some detailed questions on the screen.Qs: 1) How do Japanese honourtheir ancestors? 2) What do people in Mexico do in memory of the dead? 3) What do people in Western countries do in memory of the dead?4). What do people usually do at springfestivals?5). What does Easter celebrate? 6). Do you know the symbols of Easter?7). What can you see if you go to Japanduring the Cherry Blossom Festival?Step5ConsolidationFill in the blanks on newspaper exercise 3.Step 6HomeworkReview the text.Try to write a short passage about your favorite festival.Greeting (1) Talk with classmates and learn new words.(2) Answer the questions.Read the passage quickly. Then Read through the passage and find out how many types of festivals are metioned in the passage? Reading the passage carefully and answer some detailed questions on the screen. 1. Find out the topic sentences. 2.Learn ways to find out topic sentence. Talk about festivals and try to finish the task.Finish the homework Purpose: Open the Ss’ mind. Get them to be interested in what is going to learn.Let them know some English expression of Chinese festival.Purpose: To train the students’ self-dependent learning ability and have a brief understanding of the passage. Purpose: To train the students to grasp the detailed information and have a better understanding of the text. It can also help the students improve the cooperative learning ability.Purpose: let them have the ability of introducing and analyzing expression; master the ways to find topic sentence.




《 Festivals around the world》Reading

Q1, What kinds of festivals in China do you know about?

Q2,What festivals of foreign countries do you know?

Q3,What kinds of festivalsdo you celebrate?

推荐访问:英语 教学设计 课题

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